An upgraded version of the Protector's Broadsword: Grand Proctector's. 11 minOur Top 10 Starbound Weapon Mods looks at the best Starbound mods that add weapons. 11 min - Uploaded by Randomise UserOur Top 10 Starbound Weapon Mods looks at the best Starbound mods that add weapons. 3) Weapon Upgrades: - Piercing Mod: It increase the piercing power of Physical Projectile . These weapons are mostly made of Solarium metal.

Starbound 1.3 (all of it) Special thanks to the original creators. The Weapon Reinforcer Mod allows you to upgrade your weapons, increasing its damage. Lightning Staff Moon Lash Rocket Wand Soul EruptionSoul Eruption Star Bound . Some weapons are unique, others are upgrades to vanilla weapons. The Tremor Mod adds many new weapons to Terraria. 11 min - Uploaded by Samlloush CHGAME DESCRIPTION In Starbound, you take on the role of a character who's just fled from.